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Brick & Mortar Bootcamp!
What is Brick & Mortar Bootcamp? A four day intensive course on how to maximize your Store space, attract customers and increase sales. Whether you have a booth space or run your own store, building a small business in 2021 is challenging but it can also be...

Video Bootcamp!
We are so excited kick off DIY Video Camp! I've been dreaming about a step by step workshop, walking you through the process of creating engaging and entertaining videos for YEARS! In order to offer the best small group experience, we have limited this camp to just 16...

Wedding Cake Dresser Makeover & My Sugar Addiction Story
Wedding Cake Dresser Makeover An Anthropologie-Knock-Off-Attempt and my "Addiction-to-Sugar" Story This original idea of making a dresser look like a wedding cake was conceived from my life-long addiction to sugar. However, I was initially inspired by a $1400...

DIY Mermaid Ornaments & the Story About When The Sheriff Flagged Me Down
DIY Mermaid Ornaments & the Story About When The Sheriff Flagged Me Down Make these pretty Mermaid ornaments for less than $5 to give as gifts or for your tree, without breaking your budget. For more detailed step-by-step instructions, as well as the story about...

Dollar Store Christmas Ornaments Transformed with Frozen Paint and the Story of Bobby
Dollar Store Christmas Ornaments Transformed with Frozen Paint and the Story of Bobby! This project was super fun and so easy! Turn these simple, plastic ornaments into beautiful decorations that look like hand-carved, weathered-wood, to either give as gifts or keep...