by Debi Beard | Nov 1, 2017 | Blog, Debis Design Diary, DIY, Everything Else, Painted Furniture, Tutorials, YouTube |
Have you ever wanted to copy someone’s work but every time you tried, it was a hot mess?? I tried to copy a project from The Turquoise Iris but failed so many times. I was ready to give up. But then I got a call from a producer from a very, very BIG TV show....
by Debi Beard | Aug 7, 2017 | Blog, Debis Design Diary, Events & Classes, Everything Else, Painted Furniture |
Have you ever stalked someone? There have been crushes on boys from my past that were obsessive but I’ve never had a celebrity crush and could care less about the latest drama from the Kardashian’s. I don’t own a TV. I’m an introvert and...
by Debi Beard | Jul 1, 2017 | Blog, Debis Design Diary, Events & Classes, Everything Else, YouTube |
It’s 2:57 AM as I type… I’ve been, planning, budgeting, dreaming and collaborating with some of my favorite people on something really big for the DIY Paint retailers & you!. Finally I can tell you all the details! We are hosting DIY Bootcamp on...
by Debi Beard | Jan 22, 2017 | Blog, Coastal Crafts, Debis Design Diary, DIY, Events & Classes, Everything Else, Handmade House Series, House Vintage, Painted Furniture, Products, TOP 10 Posts, Tutorials, YouTube |
When I found this on Craigslist it looked like this… The owner had it in his family for decades. He demonstrated how the drawers slid easily and said, “we had it professionally restored” as he showed me the stamp on the back. I had been looking for...
by Debi Beard | Dec 22, 2016 | Blog, Debis Design Diary, Everything Else, Painted Furniture, Products, TOP 10 Posts, Tutorials |
I ‘ve made a lot of crafts in my days, this one was truly fun and surprisingly easy! I always love the thrill of transforming something unexpected, what a change! You might never guess these pretty goodies used to be plastic bulbs form the 99 cent store! ( this...
by Debi Beard | Apr 10, 2016 | Blog, Crafty Projects, Debis Design Diary, DIY, Everything Else, Handmade House Series, My personal stories about living on creativity, TOP 10 Posts, YouTube |
Last Thanksgiving I moved into a 500 square foot cottage. I’ve lived in 6 houses 2 lofts and three apartments. Moving has always been a huge task, but this time it took just a few hours. Everything fit into my small SUV, there were a few boxes of clothing,...