
Every Christmas I make doll head ornaments to sell in my shop, I always get mixed reviews. some customers love them and some think they’re creepy.

Here’s a comment a that came in yesterday after I asked my friends if they liked them on Facebook,

” Only if u enjoy their soul-less eyes watching your every move … ”

LOL…. it’s a controversial craft! I actually enjoy reading the comments from people who don’t like them just as much as the comments from those who do. There’s something refreshing about an honest opinion. (as long as there is no harm intended).

I ‘ve never understood why anyone would think they’re creepy though, vintage dolls have the cutest faces and their blinky eyes just melt my heart. If I had the time I’d put doll heads on all kinds of things!  I’ve seen artists create jaw dropping doll head art , my friend Lisa Loria, is known for her wonderful work, and Mark Montano has a fun video, how to turn a doll head into a night light!

So this DIY video is my contribution to the world of doll head mixed media.

To get started you will need vintage doll heads-  I find them at my local swap meet and  estate sales, they’re usually a dollar or two and if you buy in bulk you can get a better price.



Ice cream cones- I like the sugar cones, you can also use scrapbook paper or polymer clay, if you do use real cones be sure to fill them with glue, so they don’t break as shown in the video.


you’re also going to need  styrofoam ball type ornaments, I found mine at the dollar store, they need to be made of foam, not glass or plastic because you will want to wire the doll arms into the styrofoam ball.



The last part is my fave part, adding the accessories, I printed out some fun phrases like, “hello doll face”  “don’t bite my head off ” and “hey Doll!” I cut them into tiny banners, glittered the edges, and viola, all done, super cute, un-creepy ornaments to doll up your tree!






What do you think?

I’d love it if you left  a comment, are you  a fan of doll head or art or not?

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!









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