Last Sunday!….. part two…..

So where was I? Yes, yes, lots of hours spent getting ready for the big day!I had stopped drinking coffee as a New Years resolution, and it was going fairly well until this month, then, well, not so much. I think I have given up caffine at least a half a dozen times...

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

It has taken me three days to recover from last Sunday’s Mercantile…  for so many reasons it was a day to remember.   It seemed like it was raining down blessings. Here is a little story about blessing #1. Like so many of you I have a passion for glossy...

Tomorrow is the BIG day!

Bring an empty suitcase with you, and a Uhaul! We have so many amazing treasures for sale, loads of vintage, furniture, and handmade delites!There are at least a dozen give-away’s  from all our great artist that I have not had a chance to post here, wonderful...

Jane Pollock…..Art Takes A Village

Jane PollockAn artist, a philanthropist and ever so passionate about her charity.Jane established and runs a very special non-profit “Art Takes A Village” where she teaches art therapy to women who have endured extreme hardships, and are trying to rebuild...

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